Bidong The Boat People (2018)

P13 / Malay / Drama / 99 Minutes

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After the Vietnam War, millions of people tried to flee the Communist rule in the country. In 1975, Vietnamese refugees landed on the shores of Bidong Island in Malaysia via boat, leading them to be dubbed the "boat people". In 1978, the number of the boat people had increased and the island became officially recognised as a refugee camp for them. Now 30 years later, a woman named Klen Bi Dong, who was born to a refugee called Hong Yen on the island, starts remembering the place. She and her mother, who are now living in Australia, return to Bidong Island after getting in touch with Adib, a Malaysian doing research on the turtle there. Adib then helps Hong Yen reconnect with Private Ali, a Malaysian soldier that helped her during her stay on the island.

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