Pegasus (2019)

PG13 / Mandarin / Comedy / 98 min

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(16 Reviews)


Zhang Chi (Shen Teng), a hubris and dominating six-time racing champion, falls from grace following a crisis. After a five-year suspension from the motorsport, the now single-father to a six-year-old boy throws down the gauntlet once again to a younger generation of racing geniuses, and vows to regain his past glory. The father-and-son duo braves a brand-new world of auto-racing which puts them into some rather ironic situations.

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Pegasus Reviews

Dare to watch
5 February 2019
An adrenaline rush

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

Teng Shen is the Chaplin of China. The buffet of humour styles also run the gamut, from mic-drop punchlines to memorable visual gags. It’s not preachy or desperate, and is just a celluloid road trip out to have fun.

Josephine Yeo
14 February 2019
Worth watching

Story: 3 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

Love it. The ending leaves something to be desired but it also managed to leave an impression on the audience's heart.

5 March 2019
Delightful heroi-comic feel

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

In memory of the greatest Chinese rally driver Lang Xu. Pegasus is a rare Chinese sports film. Teng Shen is the Chaplin of China. Shen Teng is perfection in the lead role, lovable yet pathetic, blustering yet resilient. Rally is a less cinegenic form of racing than the more immediately visual circuit racing.

17 February 2019
Overall: 0
Hanhan and Shen Teng first time cooperate and combine the racing car and comedy together. Worth the time and enjoy the lovely time with family.

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