Crayon Shinchan The Movie: School Mystery! The Splendid Tenkasu Academy (2021)

Classification / Japanese / / 105 Mins

Crayon Shinchan The Movie: School Mystery! The Splendid Tenkasu Academy Movie Poster
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Shinnosuke and some friends from the Kasukabe Defense Force visit the Tenkatōitsu Kasukabe Private Academy for a one-week stay, expecting a nice time. Tenkasu, as the academy is nicknamed, is an elite boarding school run by a powerful and futuristic AI. Once in Tenkasu, Kazama is mysteriously attacked. The attack leaves him with reduced intelligence and some bite marks on his backside. The Kasukabe Defense Force teams up with the school`s dropout student council president, Chishio Atsuki, to get to the bottom of this truly odd mystery.

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