Emergency Declaration (2022)

Classification / Korean / / 147 Mins

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(11 Reviews)


Veteran chief police detective In-Ho has received a tip that there will be a terrorist attack onboard a plane. While investigating, he discovers that the suspect has already boarded flight No. KI501 to Hawaii. A passenger named Jae-hyuk has a fear of flying but braves himself to fly to Hawaii for the sake of his daughter`s health. At the airport, he is distracted by a strange man who hangs around, speaking to him in a menacing way. Flight No. KI501 now departs Incheon Airport for Hawaii, but soon afterwards a man mysteriously dies onboard the plane. Fear and chaos quickly spread in the plane. Meanwhile, Transport Minister Sook-Hee sets up a counter-terrorism task force and calls an emergency meeting in order to find a way to land the airplane.

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